Thursday, February 25, 2016

Oh my, how quickly time moves on...

I'm almost embarrassed by how long it has been since I last posted to my blog, the whole purpose was to regularly communicate information to various audiences. And failing to update it regularly fails to accomplish that task. February will be over before we know it and March will go by just as quickly with the significant number of vacation days currently scheduled.

Some big news out of Pierre earlier this week as SD Legislature passed a 0.5% sales tax increase specifically for education funding. It is nice to see education become a priority in Pierre; the past several years it seems to have been barely mentioned. I would like to thank all the legislatures who supported the bill and reassure those folks and the individuals who were opposed that the new revenue is a wise and worthwhile investment in the present and future of SD. A couple of other interesting developments in Pierre: we have proposed legislation dealing with bathroom options, boundary changes, testing requirements, and e-learning expansion, just to name a few. Overall the session seems rather short on total number of bills/measures, but the importance of a select few will have a huge impact on K-12 Education,

Congrats to our One Act Play and their successful State One Act competition; Ms. Herrboldt has done a wonderful job growing this program over the last couple of seasons. The students put in a lot of early mornings practicing and preparing and that all paid off this year. Good luck to our State Wrestling qualifiers, Nick and Justine are off to Rapid City this weekend for this season's final event. They both are excited about the opportunity to finish their season on a high note. Good luck to our basketball teams as their post season play gets under way also.

I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy the pleasant spring like weather; we all know SD is a land of infinite variety (when it comes to weather) and this year is no different.