Monday, August 24, 2015

School has Begun

As I am sure all of you have noticed, but school started here at WHS last Wednesday. The day snuck up on me so quickly that  I wasn't able to publish a new blog entry until 3 school days later. (I am not entirely sure how to explain my 3 week hiatus prior to school starting.) The summer ended very abruptly and before I realized it school was in full swing. Thankfully the staff and school personnel pay better attention to the calendar then I do and everyone was more than ready when the student body arrived last Wednesday morning.

We are off to a good start and this week will provide an additional mental and physical test for all our students as they get settled in to the regular school routine. For parents of younger students, this may have been clearly apparent last week; sitting in class and focusing on academics for an extended period of time can be fatiguing on the brain, body and emotions. It is probably not be as apparent for the older students but it may manifest itself over the next week or so as everyone gets themselves reconditioned to the school atmosphere. Trust me, it too will pass and everyone will get acclimated to school life soon enough.

We do have some new faces in the building this year, so don't be alarmed if your child mentions the name: Mr. Johnson (new JK-8 Principal) or Ms. Eisenbeisz (Elementary Aide) or Ms. Waddle (Elementary Music/Art/Aide) or Mr. Roso (JK-5 PE) or Mrs. Ryckman (Elementary Aide) or Mrs. Hoglund (MS/HS Science). We are excited to have all of these new people in the building helping us engage the students and enhance learning in all areas.

Transportation Director's PSA: Buses arrive between 8:00am and 8:05 so be on the lookout for them in town, also remember to pay attention for flashing lights, students boarding and getting dropped off at home. Everyone please respect the rules of the road and stop for buses; we would all hate for a senseless accident to occur.  Bus routes are up and running but may take some fine tuning on times as we get settled in to our slightly altered routes. Please have kids ready to get picked up 5 minutes ahead of the scheduled time so no one has to wait.

I hope everyone has a good start to the year; I know I am happy to see everyone back in the building for another great year.