Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spring Events (other than Track and Graduation)

There are several things at school that sometimes go unrecognized/unnoticed that should be celebrated with more jubilation and notoriety. With Graduation and the last day of school right around the corner; these events are sometimes superseded by other more noteworthy activities, aka Graduation and Summer Vacation. Include "spring fever", track meets, spring clean-up, spring field work for area farmers, confirmation and the list could go on and on. It is no wonder some of these events get lost in the shuffle.

With that being said, please take note of the following events and show your support by attending and/or congratulating students participating in the following:

April 21--Spring Awards night. As difficult as it is for some parents to come to grips with the child getting older and graduating and moving on to the next chapter in their life. Spring Awards offers us one more chance to recognize our students for everything they have accomplished. We also get to identify students who have received scholarships, regional and state awards, and applaud them on another successful year.

April 24--3rd and 4th Grade South Dakota Play. Mrs. Ochsner indicated to me, this is the 17th year for the play. The classes and staff have spent a tremendous amount of time researching, preparing and practices for this significant production. I'm looking forward to seeing it for the first time.

April 30--Elementary Spring Concert. Our Elementary students have been singing and practicing. They are eagerly anticipating their annual Spring performance

May 4--High School 3 Act Play. One of the unheralded programs here at school, but one that offers our students a different avenue to display a different set of skills. Everyone knows about our athletic program successes and our fantastic band; we also want people to recognize how diverse the talents of our students range.

May 7--Middle School and High School Spring Concerts; don't forget we have two concerts on the same day, MS in the afternoon, HS in the evening.

We look forward to seeing people come out and support our students in all of their spring activities. Thanks for everyone's support of all our activities throughout the school year; it is one of the great parts of being involved in our school.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Final Stretch

Parents and Community members, we are heading down the home stretch of the school year and most everyone has their eyes on graduation and the last days of school. We need to recognize all the work teachers and staff have been finishing over the last nine weeks of the school year. State Testing, plays (SD and 3 Act), track meets and music concerts have been keeping everyone busy and will continue to keep them busy. It takes a lot of time, scheduling, and patience to make all of these projects successful and efficient. The staff does a wonderful job working around all the challenges the Spring school year brings and they should be commended for their work.

Something that we have noticed while running end of the year reports is attendance numbers. One of the factors the state uses for measuring the effectiveness of schools is attendance. We need to carry an average of 94% attendance rate for everyone in school to meet the state minimum requirements. Other than that, students need to be in school to be successful; learning happens at all times during the school day and our staff does an excellent job of making these environments engaging and beneficial no matter what subject is being taught. Please make every attempt possible to keep your children in school as much as possible for the rest of the school year. Also something to remember for next year when scheduling your family vacations and regular doctor/dentist appointments. Look at the school calendar and try to take advantage of the school's long weekends, in-service days, and regular vacation days when planning your vacation.

Quick thanks to all the community members who volunteer and help at the school; whether you are helping in the library, music room, classroom or parking lot. Your willingness to help our school doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thanks to everyone who helps make our students' learning and school experiences better.